Will there ever be a Laptop?

@Dobroslaw_Zybort thank you for sharing. :slight_smile:

@John_Higginbotham thank you for the list of interesting ideas. I will definitely forward them to our design team. :slight_smile:

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as JRSEco is doing, there is another company selling wifi routers in which the firmware has been updated or replaced so that the number of pulses pr second are dramatically decreased and overall radiation decreased. As we all know, lower levels havenā€™t been tested either ,and in some cases, have been shown to actually make biological effects worse. there are mysteries involved in all of these matters. however, the link is here: https://www.electrahealth.com/wired_and_wifi_routers.html

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@Felicia_Hobert Thanks for the info. We will take a look at it.

I would absolutely be on board with this :slight_smile:

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Just had an idea during my meditationā€¦
What if itā€™s just an external screen with a keyboardā€¦ powered by attaching a USB-C cable to the pure phoneā€¦ Or having a separate battery and connecting via bluetooth.
Then there could be a simple writing app, or something like ulysses, on the phoneā€¦


Thatā€™s sounds interesting. Something like Samsung Dex but inspired on Linux.

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I love the ideas on this forum! Theyā€™re truly visionary! Keep it up guys!

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Maybe not exactly what is being asked for here but I would LOVE to see a company make a dedicated writing device. Think the ā€œmodernā€ typewriter!

A very tactile, basic, QWERTY keyboard. An e-ink display. Long battery life. Cloud backups.

I LOVE writing, but my computer has sooo many distractions that I had to just get a completely paired down laptop. Mudita seems like the company to do this.


@textbook_quest Very interesting idea! Itā€™s quite unique. I wonder how many of our users would be interested in such a device.


I was going to make a dedicated thread about it here but it seems Iā€™m unable to do that with my new account.

I am certain there would be a decent market for it ā€” particularly if itā€™s done well. There have been a lot of poor attempts to create this kind of product (Freewrite, Pomera, Scripto) but none of them have been very well executed and almost all of them are tacky and cheap looking.

Tactility is the most important. I would want something that feels solid ā€” not like a cheap piece of plastic rattling around. I would love this sort of device because it would remove my need for a laptop. I love to be able to write anywhere. Laptops/tablets also disappoint me for writing because of how poor the battery life can be and how hard it is to see the screen outside. Plus the obvious blue light effects on my life.

Software could be as simple as something like IA Writer. Straightforward plaintext writing. Of course, I wouldnā€™t mind basic screenplay formatting options.

Long winded reply, sorry. But yeah! I would KILL for this and know many writers who would agree. Mudita is the first company Iā€™ve come across that feels truly stylish and smart enough about ergonomics and function to tackle a product like this. Call it a formal product suggestion! :smiley:

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@textbook_quest I can start a topic about it & tag you in it. This way you can be the host of that discussion :slight_smile: How does that sound?

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Sounds good! :grinning:

Actually I thought this whole thread was about this very idea, to have a Mudita ā€œlaptopā€ = typewriter :stuck_out_tongue:


@Marcin_Hakemer-Ferna Fair point :slight_smile: Iā€™m actually interested how BOTH of these threads go. I really love the ideas on this forum.

Check out the Freewrite Traveler, which I love. I have had mine since November, a few weeks after Freewrite first started to ship them following a long crowdfunding campaign. Here is the review that I posted at Freewriteā€™s website:


The Freewrite Traveler is like an IBM Correcting Selectric II typewriter on steroids. Yes, it loves touch-typists, frees you from distractions, and lets you backspace-delete letters. But, you get much more in 1.6 lbs. than in the Selectricā€™s 40.5 lbs. You can backspace-delete whole words at a time. You can move your work to a computer without retyping everything. You get computer-like scrolling to reach and correct typos that wonā€™t leave you alone. The ā€œEN (INTL)ā€ setting is like the International-English setting in Windows 10. And, you can use the [alt gr] key to type even more characters: https://www.kirkmahoney.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/freewrite-traveler-en-intl-keyboard.png

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A labtop would be the dream for me. Personally Iā€™m using a lot of tactics to make my own ā€œmuditaā€ labtop. One of them is using the software FocusMe, blocking all apps except those essential.


@Noah_Kahn Thanks for the feedback. FocusMe sounds really interesting. Is it freeware?

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Hi Urszula! Not itā€™s not, but they do have a free trial. Just from my research of dozens of apps, Iā€™ve checked out like all website blocking extensions, the app Freedom, Focus, NetNanny, Qustodio, and so many more, and from all of these Iā€™ve found FocusMe to be the most comprehensive, customizable, and complete package of everything you need in one app instead of multiple. I love it to the moon and back.

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I have been using FocusMe for the last 3 years. I am a huge fan. I block my whole computer from 20:00 to 09:00 in forced mode. Such a bless :smiley: If I want to work around that time, I can also use pen and paper.

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