Rough timeline of the new Mudita phone

Is there a rough timeline of when the new Mudita phone or phones will launch on kickstarter?


I was so excited when I saw the title :confused:
I feel like I check this forum twice a day for updates on this. I love my LightPhone but I yearn for physical buttons haha


Yeah same here. I am currently getting the light phone 2 again but only until the new Mudita is released. I have the Pure right now but I am only using it in a limited capacity as in Canada it is not reliable indoors, outside it is great. Right now I use it as my phone during the work day from home. It stays connected because I am by the windows and I take it out on walks etc, but yes physical buttons are the way to go!
Hopefully this time next year the kick starter for the new phone has started with a fall release


Are we sure it’ll have physical buttons?


My guess is two models, one with physical keys the other without


Yes perhaps, so long as they maintain the screen but just make it larger, I don’t mind either buttons or no buttons :slight_smile:


I don’t think we know much of anything at the moment. However, there was a post a while back asking for opinions on the different directions they could go in. One of which was basically the Pure 1 with the kinks worked out. Which is the one that I am personally hopeful for. The singular reason I ended up waiting instead of buying the Pure is the network issues here in the US.


Yeah I do love the current phone the way it looks…if it had just been working from the outset I would have never tried all the other dumbphones I have


Hello! We are glad to have you back :slight_smile: @cardio79 You certainly know how to engage our community. Listen, it is true that we are working on a new generation of phones. We hope to be able to share the details with you as early as next year. What I can tell you today is that in June, our Pioneers will have the opportunity to ask questions to our CEO. This forum thread (thanks to you!) has reassured us that the topic we want to address is on point.


It’s certainly a topic we’re anticipating very keenly. Glad to hear that progress is being made and can’t wait to hear further updates until final release.


Glad to hear about this upcoming conversation :slight_smile:


With so many email threads on so many sites it’s difficult to know where to post things. I’d share a couple of instances over the last two days… My bank card was taken advantage of recently to the tune of over £200 (230 Euros and for our man Jose, $243 (love you!)). I tried to call my bank immediately as I found out and had no reception on my Pure! Disappointing. I needed to prize the GrapheneOS Pixel out of it’s kevlar case (not a great experience) and swap sims in order to just make an emergency call. I told myself I’d keep the sim in the Pixel but again this morning, I love the Pure so much that I give it another chance. And again just now, I need to call my friend to finalise flight details on Sunday and there’s no reception to call so I am reduced to messaging on Signal. I’m a resilient man, I can put-up with things like this but sometimes we JUST NEED THINGS TO WORK!. Sorry guys but life is manically hectic with work emails/Teams/Zoom/Whatsapp/SMS etc etc! I love the Harmony clock as it is so beautifully calm, I use it throughout the night to relax me to sleep with its 15-30 minute sounds! I love the Pure because it exudes the same qualities. But please, we need the basics nailed down!


I fully agree with @mnrkr74. I’m looking forward to the next version of mudita phone. My number one use case for a phone would to use it in case of emergencies. Having no signal there is a no-go for me.


@mnrkr74 Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We do understand that Pure may not always work in the way you expected & we do apologize for this. Since we shipped the first Mudita Pure phone in November 2021, we were very transparent about the fact that that there were some hardware limitation which we would not be able to overcome with software updates (namely connection/network/issues- as you know probably know if you spent time of the forum).
We are working our hardest that these type of limitations are not present in our new products.


Hi there! Have you seen this thread in the Pioneer section? :male_detective:
We’re spilling some beans and wouldn’t want you to miss it.

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Hi, I saw this on the X page and thought it would be a good feature request for the upcoming software.

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Would be great to have a box-breathing app on the new phone. Especially if you could have the option of really slowing the breath down to a few breaths per minute.

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@mnrkr74 Thanks for the idea. I’ll pass it on to our team.
Would you be interested in other breathing exercises or just box breathing?

I’d be interested in any breathing exercises, box-breathing, long deep breathing, meditation and pranayama.

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@mnrkr74 Thanks for the clarification :slight_smile: I will definitely pass this on. You know, at Mudita, we’re HUGE fans of mindful breathing.