Phone and ear heating too much during phone calls

I was not expecting my “proud” low SAR Mudita to be heating so much (Phone and my own ear as a consequence) during a long phone call. I did not experience this with my iPhone SE 1st Gen (alternative phone). Can this be explained? Has someone felt the same effect?


@lourenco_goncalves Hi. Thanks for reaching out. I’ve reached out to our team about this for some feedback regarding your situation. I have to admit, I’ve never had this happen to me, but then again, the longest phone call I’ve had on Mudita Pure is less than 5 min.

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I experienced this when I first got the Pure a few years ago, it seemed to be the battery heating up a lot during a longer call. I used it with a airtube headset since then and didn’t experience the issue any longer - I can’t say if it still occurred or not but I didn’t notice it heating intolerably in my hand during longer calls.
I also have a cosy case for my Pure which makes a difference I’m sure…


@galtions Thank you for jumping in on this. I’m still waiting for the team to confirm this.