Maintaining digital wellbeing in the time of constant lockdowns

The past year, filled with various forms of lockdown, remote work & social distancing, highlighted the significant role technology now plays in our professional, as well as personal lives. Our increasing reliance on technology has also brought to the forefront its potential impact on our health and wellbeing. With remote work/online classes, zoom meetings with friends, streaming entertainment & online shopping, it’s not easy to find balance digital balance in these challenging times. In our latest blog post, we discuss the importance of maintaining health & well-being in the digital era. Let us know how you’ve managed to be more mindful about your use of technology in this difficult situation.


The past has been hard to deal with. It seems very where you turn, there is a screen. My thing was to go outside. Just go outside. Take time to go outside- to a park, a forest, some woods in the neighborhood, just go outside.


These realizations are crucial to our evolution and peace. I can’t even recall how many times in the past I had bad pain to my thumbs and fingers from swiping and typing/tapping so much. All of the issues that come with these devices should really help us step back and see what matters most. Not only our health and mental health but what we focus on regarding the internet and social feeds as the article states.

Happiness, though, isn’t always externalized easily, we need it to emerge from our internal selves. Sometimes we need to search for it.

We’ve got to take the step first for ourselves and then from there, it will spread externally to and through others.


I decided to try and stay out of the news loop for a couple of days. It worked so well that I continued for almost two weeks. Then I felt an urge to update myself, but only spent 10 minutes reading the essentials. The rest was as discouraging as usual.
During the two weeks I read a lot. Rediscovered music I used to listen to when I was younger. Took time to make the lunch and dinner as exciting as possible and tried a few new recipies. Made rye sourdough bread. Went out and spent most of the evening watching a beautiful full moon and pondered over my future. Took a lot of notes in my planner.
So it was two very good weeks.