Blog: Are we too dependent on our smartphones?

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We cannot make any inferences about this yet.

I look at smartphones as extremely portable computers. A lot of what we use them for was already possible with computers.


Justifying Thoughts

Many of us comfort ourselves with the thought β€œI am only checking my smartphone.” when we pull out cellphones in front of others in social situations.

Many of us tell ourselves, β€œI no longer have a computer, so my smartphone is how I connect to the Internet!”

Imagine This

But, we would see it as rude if our friends or relatives were to open and use laptops at a restaurant while we are trying to socialize with them over dinner.

Change in Location

Using a smartphone does not require me to sit in a chair at a desk where my laptop resides to use that laptop to search the Internet. Using a smartphone does not require me to sit in front of an Internet-connected TV set to watch a video delivered by a streaming service.


Smartphones as replacements for computers let us justify otherwise anti-social behavior and enable this because their use does not require any change in location when we are in socially intimate situations.


It’s not only a computer, but also a camera, music player and television among others.